Schools Wellbeing Newsletter Subscription

Expertly created wellbeing newsletters,

saving you precious time.

Work with me to gain the confidence and knowledge to make the changes your school needs.

Work with me to gain the confidence and knowledge to make the changes your school needs.

Expertly created wellbeing newsletters for your whole school community, saving you precious time'. This will need an image of one of the newsletters

Work with me to gain the confidence and knowledge to make the changes your school needs.

Expertly created wellbeing newsletters for your whole school community, saving you precious time'. This will need an image of one of the newsletters

Wellbeing Newsletter Subscription

The Department for Education and Public Health England suggest schools pay an important role in promoting wellbeing as part of a whole school approach to mental health.  These hand Crafted and expertly created wellbeing newsletters not only contain wellbeing hints and tips, but also promote evidence based guidance websites, apps and resources.

Find out more about our newsletters

Staff Wellbeing Newsletter

 A range of resources, tips and tools to help your staff maintain physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Some of the topics we will cover in the newsletter include:

  • Stress management and relaxation techniques
  • Strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance within the education context
  • Ways to reduce burn out and overwhelm
  • Tips for staying active and healthy
  • Resources for promoting positive mental wellbeing
  • Ideas for building resilience and managing change

Parents and Carers Newsletter

 Provides practical tips, guidance and resources to support their families wellbeing.

Our newsletter covers a range of topics including:

  • Managing stress and anxiety
  • Building resilience
  • Improving sleep
  • Promoting healthy eating habits
  • Enhancing social skills
  • Encouraging physical activity
  • Supporting academic success 

Find out more about our newsletters

Staff Wellbeing Newsletter

 A range of resources, tips and tools to help your staff maintain physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Some of the topics we will cover in the newsletter include:

  • Stress management and relaxation techniques
  • Strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance within the education context
  • Ways to reduce burn out and overwhelm
  • Tips for staying active and healthy
  • Resources for promoting positive mental wellbeing
  • Ideas for building resilience and managing change

*Introductory price this month only*   

£5+VAT per month or £60+VAT per annum

Own school logo £6+VAT per month or £72+VAT per annum

View a sample copy HERE, or sign up HERE

Parents and Carers Newsletter

 Provides practical tips, guidance and resources to support their families wellbeing.

Our newsletter covers a range of topics including:

  • Managing stress and anxiety
  • Building resilience
  • Improving sleep
  • Promoting healthy eating habits
  • Enhancing social skills
  • Encouraging physical activity
  • Supporting academic success 

*Introductory price this month only*   

£5+VAT per month or £60+VAT per annum

Own school logo £6+VAT per month or £72+VAT per annum

View a sample copy HERE, or sign up HERE

We hope you find our newsletter valuable and informative. If you have any questions or suggestions for topics you would like us to cover, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Subscription FAQ's

We strive to provide comprehensive information and answers to your frequently asked questions. We understand that choosing a newsletter subscription is important and we want to ensure that you have all the information you need to make an informed choice.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Q: What is the wellbeing newsletter subscription?

    A: The newsletter subscription is designed to save you time.  When you sign up to either newlsetter subscriptions (or both) you will receive a monthly wellbeing newlsetter hand craft for your target audience.  All you have to do is  send the newsletter to your specfied group.  You can even add your school logo.

  • Q: How does it work?

    A: Once you have subscribed and we have received payment, you will receive a monthly wellbeing newsletter  via email, which you will then forward to your target audience.

  • Q: How do I subscribe to a newsletter?

    A: To subscribe to a newsletter, you need click on the following link  which will take you to payment and sign up.  

  • Q: How much does the subscription newsletter cost?

    A: £105 including VAT per subscription

    You might consider subscribing to both newsletter - saving you even more time!

  • Q: Can I unsubscribe from a newsletter?

    A: Yes, we will need 10 day’s notice prior to the annual subscription renewal otherwise it will automatically renew.

  • Q: How often will I receive newsletters?

    A: They will be available monthly & we will email you your newsletter. We will send you an email with your newsletter.

  • Q: Can I customize the content I receive in a newsletter?

    A: Yes you can - you will be invited to include up to 50 words of your own content each month.

  • Q: Can I share this newsletter with other schools or organisations?

    A: The subscription is for your school only and must only be shared with the specified audience. 

    There are links and coding built into the newsletter which will indicate how widely the newsletter is being opened.  Halcyon Education reserves the right to terminate a subscription should this be shared wider than the specified audience.

    If you are a Multi Academy Trust, and want to subscribe across your trust, please contact for a tailored price.

  • Q: Will my personal information be shared with third parties?

    A: Your information will not be shared with 3rd parties and is for the sole purpose of newsletter subscription only. Please read the privacy policy before subscribing to a newsletter.

  • Q: Can I receive newsletters in languages other than English?

    A: This is not currently available as an option but is something which we may explore in the future.

  • Q: What content is typically included in a newsletter?

    A: The content of a newsletter will include information, hints and tips and links to evidence-based advice and guidance.  

  • Q: Can I use my Department for Education senior mental health lead funding for the subscriptions?

    A: Yes you can, it is part of allowable spend once you have attended an approved senior mental health lead course.

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These newsletters are brilliant! I used to spend so much time trying to find information each month. Feedback has been amazing too :)

Senior Mental Health Lead


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